The Barricade
The Barricade
Another casualty in Poland. Is the anti-abortion law, however, the only issue?

Another casualty in Poland. Is the anti-abortion law, however, the only issue?

On the Barricades ― s06e09

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Another young pregnant woman died in a hospital in Nowy Targ, Poland. People say that the doctors who cared for her didn't do their jobs well because they were afraid of getting in trouble with the law if they did an abortion. The abortion ban in Poland is undoubtedly a major issue, but not every death, including that of a pregnant woman in medical custody, is necessarily linked to the ban on abortions. The investigation is ongoing, but it appears increasingly likely that the issues that led to her death were of a different nature. Boyan Stanislavski and Maria Cernat discuss recent events in Poland and Romania, where there is a political stalemate.

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