The Barricade
The Barricade
Eastern Europe, liberal democracy, and the disorientation of the left — Nov 2021 👍🏻👎🏻

Eastern Europe, liberal democracy, and the disorientation of the left — Nov 2021 👍🏻👎🏻

"On the barricades" — s03e15

The #s03e15 🎦🎙 episode of the podcast On the barricades focuses on the crisis of liberal democracy in Eastern Europe, with Bulgaria and Romania serving as ‘great’ examples. 💬 We are made to swallow the same dish, only with different flavors 💬 dr. Maria Cernat said of 🇷🇴 Romania's current political crisis.

In 🇧🇬 Bulgaria's recent elections, a “anti-corruption” 🙄 party led by two Harvard graduates came in first place. It was interpreted as a sign of hope for the country on a global scale. Boyan Stanislavski however cautions against simplistic interpretations, saying, 💬 So much had to change for everything to remain the same. 💬

This segment was part of the regular end-of-month series 👍 & 👎🏼 series which is a recap of the previous month's events. Those episodes feature 🇧🇪 Belgian-American 🇺🇸 leftist podcaster Youri Smouter, who also contributes his thoughts.