Our investigation has exposed that the“Anti-war left” in the United States is a network of controlled opposition much larger than the WWPSLCIA Hydra.

We can thus understand the WWPSLCIA for what it is: not a unique phenomenon but simply one "radical wing" of a larger NGO-CIA-nonviolence counterinsurgency psychological operation (psyop) that operates across the political spetrum of the United States.

A psyop that, as Amer Jubran described, “disseminate(s) a message of change, but withhold(s) the power necessary for such change to be in any way implemented.”

Take a look, food for thought grounds for further research.


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It is like going into a bar and asking for the best single malt scotch and getting a watered down shot of mixed scotch. This is Žižek the capitalist clown and bartender.

He not only waters down Marxism to nothing but he sows confusion making him a Discordian.

He is a Vaudeville show and an industry.

Žižek is comparable to Bono or Sean Penn. He is an opportunist. A ‘made man’ within the bankrupt academy.

Even repressive tolerance (Marcuse) has been commodified and sold.

Wash and rinse, wash and rinse.

Marxism is a dialectic of theory and practice based on historical materialism.

Žižek has no connection to workers, working people or anti-imperialism or anti-capitalist struggles.

Rockwell is right: he is part of the Society of the Spectacle.

A blubbering idiot in the age of the Anthropocene.

The fascists understand Gramsci every well, as do the opportunists.

That is why Žižek rose so fast. He creates cultural, Discordian theater that plays directly into the hands that feed fascism everywhere.

The elevation of this clown club is done as part of the bread and circus of the rulers.

It is very important to take apart the cultural hegemony of Empire and relate it to the material conditions that spawn them.

Thank you, Gabriel for your work on Gramsci and unravelling how the fascists use cultural hegemony to discourage, dissuade, dilute, and misinform the masses.

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