I empathize with Maria, due to her age, profession and Romania.

Romania will never be sovereign or independent.

As the transnational cartels divide up the world the nation state will disappear.

This has always been the plan.

Romania will be sucked into geopolitical battles and surplus workers.

And there is no where to run!

When the mob owned Las Vegas some people said get rid of them and their casinos.

When the corporations bought the mob out, people wished the mob was back.

Same will be said about China.

The multipolar system is one where China emerges as the new empire.

When ruled by China people will long for the day they were ruled by US imperialism.

This seems to be the catch 22,

No socialist movement, no change for the better.

And no US president will ride on a white horse to save the world.

Those that were president after FDR would have all been hung in Nurenberg.

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I like Maria Cernat's work but have to say that I had to turn this episode off after the first few minutes - the problem being that her indignation was so all-consuming as to make her presentation totally confusing. A calm delivery is something Maria needs to cultivate

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Frustration is hard to listen to but alas, there is much to be frustrated about.

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