The Barricade
The Barricade
The capitalist logic behind conflating fantasy and reality

The capitalist logic behind conflating fantasy and reality

"On the Barricades" — s04e34

Maria Cernat and Boyan Stanislavski discuss the most recent international events in and around East Europe in this episode. Of course, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine is at the forefront of their minds. The hosts explored the issue of creating fear, as well as many fake hazards that contribute to swaying public opinion and producing hysteria in society. Surprisingly, it is the so-called security apparatus that is responsible for this by and large. Such is the class logic in capitalist societies and states, and this is how its institutions function. Maria and Boyan also discuss how many activists, particularly on the left, as well as public figures of all stripes who succumb to the mainstream interpretation of international politics, prefer to wallow in their own fantasies and futile hopes rather than confront reality.

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Here are the other two parts of last week’s release: