The Barricade
The Barricade
The left, labour and coronavirus scepticism

The left, labour and coronavirus scepticism

"On the Barricades" — s03e43

The second part of Thumbs-up, Thumbs-down revolves around a number of developments in the world; some of them funny, some of them serious, some of them sad. Tony Blair receives a knighthood. A Canadian anti-vaxx truck convoy protest takes place. Polish catholic fundamentalist lawyers battle physically over infidelity and divorces in their ranks.

On the other hand, the issue of the Left in Central and Southeastern Europe and its reaction to the rising labor movement in the region and to the corona virus issues (such as anti-vaxx attitudes) takes a lot of reflection.

Parts of the episode (with timings):

00:00:00 Yuri's thumbs-down: Tony Blair gets a knighthood;

00:02:40 Yuri's thumbs-down 2: The anti-vaxx truck convoy in Canada

00:06:33 Discussion: The Koch brothers' use and abuse of corona crisis

00:13:37 Yuri's thumbs-up: The success of the Serbian protest movement against a Rio Tinto investment in Lithium

00:14:53 Boyan's take: Mobilization of labor movement in Central and Southeastern Europe and the left

00:20:17 Discussion: The left's reaction to corona crisis, vaccine skepticism, etc.

00:31:38 Boyan's position: The Canada truck protest is not the Canadian Maidan, it is a regular things that happens every once in a while

00:33:45 Maria's take: China's solution to corona crisis and takeaways for the left in Eastern Europe

00:37:35 "Happy end" by Boyan: Ordo Iuris in Poland - a “fun fact” about great internal disorder in the organization