The Barricade
The Barricade
What worked and what didn’t in feminism on the Left and in Eastern Europe? (part one)

What worked and what didn’t in feminism on the Left and in Eastern Europe? (part one)

"On the barricades" — s03e01 w/ Boyan Stanislavski & Maria Cernat

The third season has begun! This is the first episode of The Barricade’s flagship show, featuring Maria Cernat and Boyan Stanislavski, in its third season.

We’d like to offer some strictly ideological and strategical deliberations in addition to our usual commentary on the most important events taking place in our region and around the world. Maria Cernat explains the nuances of feminism today, as well as the origins of the misunderstandings about the subject that have proven particularly toxic for the Left.

This is the first of a two-part discussion which should begin a series of in-depth analyses of that topic.
